Corporate Consultancy

Intimate C-Suite consulting on how to get the most out of your network and leaders, from someone with over 25 years in the field.

Fed up with leaders not leading, new heroes quitting and low recruitment numbers?

With over 25 years experience of building and leading a business of over 10,000 associates over the last quarter of a century, with an organisation that does in excess of $400 million in turnover, Wes is uniquely placed in corporate consulting based on genuine hands-on experience.

For more than a decade he’s become a highly sought-after consultant for business leaders and companies who are looking to scale their business, particularly those in the direct selling, networking marketing, and social-selling space.

From the trenches, to the top!

Having had significant ‘muddy boots’ experience of growing and leading a huge business, as well as consulted extensively at middle-management and C-suite level, Wes has a particular focus in empowering new leaders; motivating new team members; creating meaningful duplication rather than mud-throwing; dealing with difficult conversations; working with with big personalities; conflict resolution; moving the new heroes to centre-stage; empowering legacy leaders to see the value in letting new talent emerge; growing and expanding training and mentorship programmes; having effective new product or incentive launches; helping key figureheads get their messaging and persona right; running big events and hitting the right note for your audience; and adjusting from being a small to a serious business.

What's the next step?

Whilst Wes is fully-focussed on growing his UK-based direct selling organisation - which is now a FTSE250 business; since retiring from soccer refereeing he has accepted speaking requests in-person and online, generally outside of the UK. He is proud of the fact that he is still mostly operational in his UK business and turns down more requests for consultancy projects than he accepts, and is not someone that says yes to everything - preferring to assess each offer on its merits based on the credibility of the business, brand and leadership of the company to ensure they’re of the strong and authentic calibre of his own business, rather than lending good influence to anyone with a cheque book.

As you’d imagine, such arrangements are very limited and not inexpensive. If you think this is something you’d like to learn more about, please click the contact us below.